tl;dnrUse Jackson, not Gson. Use this article as a reference for basic features.Part 2 of this short series of articles ended with section 5.7 of the Gson user guide, titled "Serializing and Deserializing Collection with Objects of Arbitrary Types". This third part continues with section 5.8 on "Built-in Serializers and Deserializers", and ends with section 5.10.1 on "InstanceCreator for a Parameterized Type". Part 4 will continue with section 5.11 on "Compact Vs. Pretty Printing for JSON Output Format". | Link To This Article |
See part 6 of this series for a complete listing of and links to the various sections of this Gson user guide review.
For cross reference, readers will likely find it useful to also have the Gson user guide open in another browser window. (An archive of the Gson user guide as of 2011.06.26 is available at
This information is based on Gson release 1.7.1 and Jackson release 1.8.2.
The Gson User Guide Walk-through Continued...
Built-in Serializers and Deserializers
Both Gson and Jackson have built-in support to serialize and deserialize and instances.
String urlJson = "\"\"";Jackson also has built-in support for Joda Time, java.util.TimeZone,, and java.sql.Timestamp objects.
String uriJson = "\"/p/google-gson/\"";
Gson gson = new Gson();
URL url1 = gson.fromJson(urlJson, URL.class);
// output: ""
URI uri1 = gson.fromJson(uriJson, URI.class);
// output: "/p/google-gson/"
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
URL url2 = mapper.readValue(urlJson, URL.class);
// output: ""
URI uri2 = mapper.readValue(uriJson, URI.class);
// output: "/p/google-gson/"
Comparison Rating: +1 Jackson for more built-in serializers and deserializers
Custom Serialization and Deserialization
The Gson Code: See relevant section in the Gson user guide.
The comparable Jackson Code (assuming the built-in Joda Time handling were not present):
public class FooComparison Rating: COMPARABLE
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
DateTimeDeserializer deserializer =
new DateTimeDeserializer();
DateTimeSerializer serializer = new DateTimeSerializer();
SimpleModule module =
new SimpleModule("DateTimeModule",
new Version(1, 0, 0, null));
module.addDeserializer(DateTime.class, deserializer);
module.addSerializer(DateTime.class, serializer);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime();
// output: 2011-06-27T21:34:06.046-07:00
String dateTimeJson1 =
// output: "2011-06-27T21:41:57.479-07:00"
DateTime dateTimeCopy1 =
mapper.readValue(dateTimeJson1, DateTime.class);
// output: 2011-06-27T21:41:57.479-07:00
class DateTimeDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<DateTime>
public DateTime deserialize(JsonParser jp,
DeserializationContext ctxt)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException
return new DateTime(jp.getText());
class DateTimeSerializer extends JsonSerializer<DateTime>
public void serialize(DateTime value, JsonGenerator jgen,
SerializerProvider provider)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException
Custom Serialization and Deserialization - Finer points with Serializers and Deserializers
This section of the Gson user guide is not easy to work through, as it's prone with errors and false information.
Some of the example code related to this section lives in the JavaDocs for JsonSerializer and JsonDeserializer. Archived copies of which are available at
This code does not compile. Even if mostly-obvious changes were made so that it would compile, it still doesn't work as presented. (Please, someone make sense of this mess and prove me wrong.)
The documentation also incorrectly describes current default Gson behavior. For example, the current default serialization of Id(java.lang.String, 42) is {"clazz":{},"value":42} not {"clazz":"java.lang.String","value":42}, though the claimed result certainly appears to be more desirable. (In a resent post, a Gson project manager explained that the disabled Class serialization is intentional, for security reasons, though the explanation goes on to describe that the security risk is present during deserialization. Since serialization is not the same as deserialization, I don't understand how this is an explanation for the disabled serialization.)
Some of the apparent intention of this section of the user guide is covered in the "InstanceCreator for a Parameterized Type" section.
Writing an Instance Creator
The latest release of Gson no longer needs an InstanceCreator to deserialize an instance of a class without a no-argument constructor. So, the MoneyInstanceCreator described in this section of the Gson user guide is unnecessary.
public class FooIf a no-argument constructor is not present, then Jackson requires configuration information to know how to create instances of the target Java data structure. (Similar to how Gson previously required an InstanceCreator.) The configuration information is easily provided with annotations. If the target classes are not to be modified, then Jackson provides support to mix-in the annotations as follows.
public static void main(String[] args)
Gson gson = new Gson();
Money m1 = new Money("42", CurrencyCode.MXP);
String json1 = gson.toJson(m1);
// {"value":"42","currency":"MXP"}
Money m1Copy = gson.fromJson(json1, Money.class);
System.out.println(m1Copy.value); // 42
System.out.println(; // MXP
class Money
public String value;
public CurrencyCode currency;
public Money(String v, CurrencyCode c)
value = v;
currency = c;
enum CurrencyCode
public class FooComparison Ratings: +1 Gson for ability to create Java instances without no-argument constructors and without explicit configuration information
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Gson gson = new Gson();
Money m1 = new Money("42", CurrencyCode.MXP);
String json1 = gson.toJson(m1);
// {"value":"42","currency":"MXP"}
Money m1Copy = gson.fromJson(json1, Money.class);
System.out.println(m1Copy.value); // 42
System.out.println(; // MXP
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String json2 = mapper.writeValueAsString(m1);
// {"value":"42","currency":"MXP"}
// throws JsonMappingException, complaining:
// No suitable constructor found
// Money m1Copy2 = mapper.readValue(json2, Money.class);
Money.class, MoneyCreatorMixIn.class);
Money m1Copy2 = mapper.readValue(json2, Money.class);
System.out.println(m1Copy2.value); // 42
System.out.println(; // MXP
abstract class MoneyCreatorMixIn
@JsonProperty("value") String v,
@JsonProperty("currency") CurrencyCode c)
class Money
public String value;
public CurrencyCode currency;
public Money(String v, CurrencyCode c)
value = v;
currency = c;
enum CurrencyCode
InstanceCreator for a Parameterized Type
The following review of this section of the Gson user guide is much longer than initially expected, covering uses and details of Gson and Jackson beyond Gson's InstanceCreator feature. This occurred, since the example that Gson presented introduced deserialization concerns of greater depth than simple use of an InstanceCreator. For the casual reader interested only in what a Gson InstanceCreator is and what the specific Jackson counterpart is, here's what should be understood.
- A Gson InstanceCreator is simply used to construct an instance of an object with default values. This instance is typically later used during deserialization to replace the default values with values from the JSON. This can be useful in situations where the JSON may not contain values for all of the Java fields to be populated.
- The Jackson equivalent approach is to just directly create an instance of the target object with default values (instead of indirectly through an InstanceCreator), and then use an updating reader to replace the values initially specified with values from the JSON. This approach is demonstrated in one of the examples below. (Search for "updatingReader".)
Correcting for compiler errors and missing information, here is what I understand the example Gson code was intended to be.
public class GsonInstanceCreatorForParameterizedTypeDemoThe approaches to solve this same problem with Jackson are somewhat different. The following presents a few options available.
public static void main(String[] args)
Id<String> id1 = new Id<String>(String.class, 42);
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Id.class,
new IdInstanceCreator()).create();
String json1 = gson.toJson(id1);
// actual output: {"classOfId":{},"value":42}
// This contradicts what the Gson docs say happens.
// With custom serialization, as described in a
// previous Gson user guide section,
// intended output may be
// {"value":42}
// input: {"value":42}
String json2 = "{\"value\":42}";
Type idOfStringType=new TypeToken<Id<String>>(){}.getType();
Id<String> id1Copy = gson.fromJson(json2, idOfStringType);
// output: classOfId=class java.lang.String, value=42
Type idOfGsonType = new TypeToken<Id<Gson>>() {}.getType();
Id<Gson> idOfGson = gson.fromJson(json2, idOfGsonType);
// output: classOfId=class, value=42
class Id<T>
private final Class<T> classOfId;
private final long value;
public Id(Class<T> classOfId, long value)
this.classOfId = classOfId;
this.value = value;
public String toString()
return "classOfId=" + classOfId + ", value=" + value;
class IdInstanceCreator implements InstanceCreator<Id<?>>
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Id<?> createInstance(Type type)
Type[] typeParameters =
((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments();
Type idType = typeParameters[0];
return new Id((Class<?>) idType, 0L);
This first simple approach "cheats" in two ways: 1. it requires that the JSON element "classOfId" have the correct, non-null value, so it fixes the input JSON accordingly; and 2. it disregards parameterized type information.
public class JacksonIdInstanceCreationDemo1Additional Code Notes: If Jackson issue 605 were implemented, then the custom deserializer would not be necessary, and this solution could be reduced by about 31 lines. Here's what that would look like.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
SimpleModule module =
new SimpleModule("ClassDeserializerModule",
new Version(1, 0, 0, null));
module.addDeserializer(Id.class, new IdDeserializer());
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().withModule(module);
.addMixInAnnotations(Id.class, IdCreatorMixIn.class);
Id<String> idOfString = new Id<String>(String.class, 42);
// Serializing idOfString
String idOfStringJson =
// output: {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// Deserializing
// {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// to Id, without parameterized type info
Id<?> idOfStringCopy1 =
mapper.readValue(idOfStringJson, Id.class);
// output: {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
String idOfObjectMapperJson =
setClassOfId(ObjectMapper.class, idOfStringJson, mapper);
// Deserializing
// {"classOfId":"",
// "value":42}
// to Id, without parameterized type info
Id<ObjectMapper> idOfObjectMapper =
mapper.readValue(idOfObjectMapperJson, Id.class);
// output: {"value":42,
// "classOfId":""}
// input: {"value":42}
String json2 = "{\"value\":42}";
// Fixing {"value":42}
// to {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// Deserializing to Id, without parameterized type info
Id<String> idOfStringCopy3 = mapper.readValue(
setClassOfId(String.class, json2, mapper), Id.class);
// output: {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
static String setClassOfId(Class<?> value,
String jsonObject, ObjectMapper mapper) throws Exception
ObjectNode node = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(jsonObject);
node.put("classOfId", value.getName());
return node.toString();
class Id<T>
private final Class<T> classOfId;
private final long value;
public Id(Class<T> classOfId, long value)
this.classOfId = classOfId;
this.value = value;
// Necessary to expose private fields for serialization.
// Deserialization just uses public constructor.
@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.ANY)
abstract class IdCreatorMixIn<T> {}
class IdDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<Id<?>>
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Id<?> deserialize(
JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException
ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) jp.getCodec();
ObjectNode node = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(jp);
Class<?> classOfId =
mapper.readValue(node.get("classOfId"), Class.class);
long value = mapper.readValue(node.get("value"),long.class);
return new Id(classOfId, value);
public class JacksonIdInstanceCreationDemo1This next approach more closely resembles the functionality in the original Gson example, as it uses the parameterized Id type information to determine what
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
.addMixInAnnotations(Id.class, IdCreatorMixIn.class);
.addMixInAnnotations(Id.class, IdCreatorMixIn.class);
Id<String> idOfString = new Id<String>(String.class, 42);
// Serializing idOfString
String idOfStringJson =
// output: {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// Deserializing
// {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// to Id, without parameterized type info
Id<?> idOfStringCopy1 =
mapper.readValue(idOfStringJson, Id.class);
// output: {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
String idOfObjectMapperJson =
setClassOfId(ObjectMapper.class, idOfStringJson, mapper);
// Deserializing
// {"classOfId":"",
// "value":42}
// to Id, without parameterized type info
Id<ObjectMapper> idOfObjectMapper =
mapper.readValue(idOfObjectMapperJson, Id.class);
// output: {"value":42,
// "classOfId":""}
// input: {"value":42}
String json2 = "{\"value\":42}";
// Fixing {"value":42}
// to {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// Deserializing to Id, without parameterized type info
Id<String> idOfStringCopy3 = mapper.readValue(
setClassOfId(String.class, json2, mapper), Id.class);
// output: {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
static String setClassOfId(Class<?> value,
String jsonObject, ObjectMapper mapper) throws Exception
ObjectNode node = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(jsonObject);
node.put("classOfId", value.getName());
return node.toString();
class Id<T>
private final Class<T> classOfId;
private final long value;
public Id(Class<T> classOfId, long value)
this.classOfId = classOfId;
this.value = value;
// Necessary to expose private fields for serialization.
// Deserialization just uses public constructor.
@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.ANY)
abstract class IdCreatorMixIn<T>
public IdCreatorMixIn(@JsonProperty("idOfClass") Class<T> c,
@JsonProperty("value") long v) {}
to assign to "classOfId", disregarding whatever value might be in the input JSON for this field, and allowing the JSON element "classOfId" to be missing or have a null value.public class JacksonContextualDeserializerForRootDemoAdditional Code Notes:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
SimpleModule module =
new CustomModule("IdDeserializerModule",
new Version(1, 0, 0, null), new IdDeserializers());
module.addDeserializer(Id.class, new IdDeserializer(null));
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().withModule(module);
// Necessary for serialization.
// Deserialization uses public constructor.
Id<String> idOfString = new Id<String>(String.class, 42);
// Deserializing
// {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42} to Id,
// without parameterized type information
String idOfStringJson=mapper.writeValueAsString(idOfString);
Id<?> idOfStringCopy1 =
mapper.readValue(idOfStringJson, Id.class);
// OUTPUT: {"classOfId":null,"value":42}
// Deserializing
// {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// to Id<String>
TypeReference<Id<String>> idOfStringType =
new TypeReference<Id<String>>() {};
Id<String> idOfStringCopy2 =
mapper.readValue(idOfStringJson, idOfStringType);
// OUTPUT: {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// Deserializing {"value":42} to Id<String>
String json2 = "{\"value\":42}";
Id<String> idOfStringCopy3 =
mapper.readValue(json2, idOfStringType);
// OUTPUT: {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// Deserializing {"value":42} to Id<Long>
TypeReference<Id<Long>> idOfLongType =
new TypeReference<Id<Long>>() {};
Id<Long> idOfLong = mapper.readValue(json2, idOfLongType);
// OUTPUT: {"classOfId":"java.lang.Long","value":42}
// Deserializing
// {"classOfId":"not a null value","value":42}
// to Id<String>
String json3 =
"{\"classOfId\":\"not a null value\",\"value\":42}";
Id<String> idOfStringCopy4 =
mapper.readValue(json3, idOfStringType);
// OUTPUT: {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// Deserializing
// {"classOfId":"not a null value","value":42}
// to Id<Long>
Id<Long> idOfLong2 = mapper.readValue(json3, idOfLongType);
// OUTPUT: {"classOfId":"java.lang.Long","value":42}
class Id<T>
private final Class<T> classOfId;
private final long value;
public Id(Class<T> classOfId, long value)
this.classOfId = classOfId;
this.value = value;
class IdDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<Id<?>>
implements ContextualDeserializer<Id<?>>
private Class<?> targetClass;
IdDeserializer(Class<?> c) {targetClass = c;}
public JsonDeserializer<Id<?>> createContextual(
DeserializationConfig config, BeanProperty property)
throws JsonMappingException
if (property != null)
JavaType type = property.getType();
JavaType ofType = type.containedType(0);
targetClass = ofType.getRawClass();
return this;
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Id<?> deserialize(
JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException
ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) jp.getCodec();
ObjectNode object = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(jp);
long value = object.get("value").getLongValue();
return new Id(targetClass, value);
class IdDeserializers extends SimpleDeserializers
public JsonDeserializer<?> findBeanDeserializer(
JavaType type, DeserializationConfig config,
DeserializerProvider provider, BeanDescription beanDesc,
BeanProperty property) throws JsonMappingException
JsonDeserializer<?> deserializer =
(_classMappings == null) ? null :
_classMappings.get(new ClassKey(type.getRawClass()));
if (deserializer instanceof IdDeserializer && type != null)
JavaType ofType = type.containedType(0);
if (ofType != null)
Class<?> targetClass = ofType.getRawClass();
deserializer = new IdDeserializer(targetClass);
return deserializer;
class CustomModule extends SimpleModule
protected final SimpleDeserializers deserializers;
public CustomModule(String name, Version version,
SimpleDeserializers deserializers)
super(name, version);
this.deserializers = deserializers;
public <T> SimpleModule addDeserializer(
Class<T> type, JsonDeserializer<? extends T> deser)
deserializers.addDeserializer(type, deser);
return this;
public void setupModule(SetupContext context)
if (_serializers != null)
if (deserializers != null)
if (_keySerializers != null)
if (_keyDeserializers != null)
if (_abstractTypes != null)
- That's a lot of code; 100 lines to do what Gson did in 30. Some of the additional configuration steps are to enable contextual deserialization, which is not enabled by default, in order to provide faster processing for situations that don't need it. Some parts of the additional configuration framework would not be necessary were Jackson enhanced to allow plug-in customizations of the relevant parts. From the bottom up, the following describes what it's all doing.
- The custom
is necessary to insert a customSimpleDeserializers
. - The custom
is necessary to ensure a different customJsonDeserializer
instance is used for each target type. - The custom
is necessary to construct parameterized type-specific instances ofId
- The custom
- If the next release of Jackson includes an implementation for issue 599, then subclassing SimpleModule will not be necessary. This would reduce the solution by 34 lines.
- I'll probably submit at least two more enhancement requests for simpler contextual deserialization (to remove the necessary custom Deserializers implementation), and for user-customized null or missing element deserialization.
public class JacksonContextualDeserializerForRootDemo2In the custom deserializer, instead of using the original ObjectMapper available through the JsonParser, use of the second ObjectMapper instance is necessary, because the original ObjectMapper is configured to just pass deserialization back to the custom deserializer (by calling a different method that we've chosen not to implement). It's possible to handle this call back, but then manual parsing would be necessary, including explicit reference to the JSON element "classOfId" by name, which would defeat the purpose of this second approach (which is to not need hard-coded reference of "classOfId").
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
ObjectMapper mapper2 = new ObjectMapper();
.addMixInAnnotations(Id.class, IdCreatorMixIn.class);
SimpleModule module =
new CustomModule("IdDeserializerModule",
new Version(1, 0, 0, null), new IdDeserializers());
Id.class, new IdDeserializer(mapper2, null));
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().withModule(module);
.addMixInAnnotations(Id.class, IdSerializerMixIn.class);
Id<String> idOfString = new Id<String>(String.class, 42);
// Deserializing
// {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42} to Id,
// without parameterized type information
String idOfStringJson=mapper.writeValueAsString(idOfString);
Id<?> idOfStringCopy1 =
mapper.readValue(idOfStringJson, Id.class);
// OUTPUT: {"classOfId":null,"value":42}
// Deserializing
// {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// to Id<String>
TypeReference<Id<String>> idOfStringType =
new TypeReference<Id<String>>() {};
Id<String> idOfStringCopy2 =
mapper.readValue(idOfStringJson, idOfStringType);
// OUTPUT: {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// Deserializing {"value":42} to Id<String>
String json2 = "{\"value\":42}";
Id<String> idOfStringCopy3 =
mapper.readValue(json2, idOfStringType);
// OUTPUT: {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// Deserializing {"value":42} to Id<Long>
TypeReference<Id<Long>> idOfLongType =
new TypeReference<Id<Long>>() {};
Id<Long> idOfLong = mapper.readValue(json2, idOfLongType);
// OUTPUT: {"classOfId":"java.lang.Long","value":42}
// Deserializing
// {"classOfId":"not a null value","value":42}
// to Id<String>
String json3 =
"{\"classOfId\":\"not a null value\",\"value\":42}";
Id<String> idOfStringCopy4 =
mapper.readValue(json3, idOfStringType);
// OUTPUT: {"classOfId":"java.lang.String","value":42}
// Deserializing
// {"classOfId":"not a null value","value":42}
// to Id<Long>
Id<Long> idOfLong2 = mapper.readValue(json3, idOfLongType);
// OUTPUT: {"classOfId":"java.lang.Long","value":42}
class Id<T>
private final Class<T> classOfId;
private final long value;
public Id(Class<T> classOfId, long value)
this.classOfId = classOfId;
this.value = value;
// Necessary to expose private fields for serialization.
@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.ANY)
abstract class IdSerializerMixIn<T> {}
// Necessary to skip setting classOfId during deserialization.
@JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = Visibility.ANY)
abstract class IdCreatorMixIn<T>
@JsonIgnore private final Class<T> classOfId = null;
class IdDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<Id<?>>
implements ContextualDeserializer<Id<?>>
private final ObjectMapper mapper;
private Class<?> targetClass;
IdDeserializer(ObjectMapper mapper, Class<?> c)
this.mapper = mapper;
this.targetClass = c;
ObjectMapper getMapper() {return mapper;}
public JsonDeserializer<Id<?>> createContextual(
DeserializationConfig config, BeanProperty property)
throws JsonMappingException
if (property != null)
JavaType type = property.getType();
JavaType ofType = type.containedType(0);
targetClass = ofType.getRawClass();
return this;
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Id<?> deserialize(
JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException
Id id = new Id(targetClass, 0);
return mapper.updatingReader(id).readValue(jp);
class IdDeserializers extends SimpleDeserializers
public JsonDeserializer<?> findBeanDeserializer(
JavaType type, DeserializationConfig config,
DeserializerProvider provider, BeanDescription beanDesc,
BeanProperty property) throws JsonMappingException
JsonDeserializer<?> deserializer =
(_classMappings == null) ? null :
_classMappings.get(new ClassKey(type.getRawClass()));
if (deserializer instanceof IdDeserializer && type != null)
JavaType ofType = type.containedType(0);
if (ofType != null)
Class<?> targetClass = ofType.getRawClass();
deserializer = new IdDeserializer(
((IdDeserializer)deserializer).getMapper(), targetClass);
return deserializer;
class CustomModule extends SimpleModule
protected final SimpleDeserializers deserializers;
public CustomModule(String name, Version version,
SimpleDeserializers deserializers)
super(name, version);
this.deserializers = deserializers;
public <T> SimpleModule addDeserializer(
Class<T> type, JsonDeserializer<? extends T> deser)
deserializers.addDeserializer(type, deser);
return this;
public void setupModule(SetupContext context)
if (_serializers != null)
if (deserializers != null)
if (_keySerializers != null)
if (_keyDeserializers != null)
if (_abstractTypes != null)
Going back to the first Gson demo in this section of the Gson user guide -- we're still in the "InstanceCreator for a Parameterized Type" section -- as written, it actually fails, throwing an exception, if the JSON contains a non-null value for the "classOfId" element. Also, if the JSON contains a null value for the "classOfId" element, then the Gson solution replaces the
value set by the InstanceCreator
with the null value from the JSON. This happens because Gson first uses the instance creator to create an instance of the target type with any state (i.e., properties values) specified by the instance creator, and then Gson replaces that state, as appropriate, with values from the JSON. As mentioned, this means that the "classOfId" field is overwritten if the JSON has an element of the same name (unless something is explicitly done to stop this from happening). To further clarify this point, following is a demo of these shortcomings.// input: {"classOfId":"java.lang.Long","value":42}A decent solution to solve these shortcomings would be to implement a custom deserializer for Id, instead of a custom instance creator. The following code demonstrates this alternative, more robust implementation.
String json3 =
// Id<String> id1Copy2 = gson.fromJson(json3, idOfStringType);
// throws RuntimeException:
// Unable to invoke no-args constructor for
// java.lang.Class<java.lang.String>
// input: {"classOfId":null,"value":42}
String json4 = "{\"classOfId\":null,\"value\":42}";
Id<String> id1Copy3 = gson.fromJson(json4, idOfStringType);
// output: classOfId=null, value=42
public class GsonInstanceCreatorForParameterizedTypeDemo2If the Id class definition could be modified, which violates a condition specified by the Gson user guide for this section that the Id class was part of an API that could not be modified, then the
public static void main(String[] args)
Id<String> id1 = new Id<String>(String.class, 42);
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Id.class,
new IdDeserializer()).create();
String json1 = gson.toJson(id1);
// actual output: {"classOfId":{},"value":42}
// This contradicts what the Gson docs say happens.
// With custom serialization, as described in a
// previous Gson user guide section,
// intended output may be
// {"value":42}
// input: {"value":42}
String json2 = "{\"value\":42}";
Type idOfStringType=new TypeToken<Id<String>>(){}.getType();
Id<String> id1Copy = gson.fromJson(json2, idOfStringType);
// output: classOfId=class java.lang.String, value=42
Type idOfGsonType = new TypeToken<Id<Gson>>() {}.getType();
Id<Gson> idOfGson = gson.fromJson(json2, idOfGsonType);
// output: classOfId=class, value=42
// input: {"classOfId":"java.lang.Long","value":42}
String json3 =
Id<String> id1Copy2 = gson.fromJson(json3, idOfStringType);
// output: classOfId=class java.lang.String, value=42
// input: {"classOfId":null,"value":42}
String json4 = "{\"classOfId\":null,\"value\":42}";
Id<String> id1Copy3 = gson.fromJson(json4, idOfStringType);
// output: classOfId=class java.lang.String, value=42
// input: {"classOfId":"a non-null value","value":42}
String json5 =
"{\"classOfId\":\"a non-null value\",\"value\":42}";
Id<Gson> idOfGson2 = gson.fromJson(json5, idOfGsonType);
// output: classOfId=class, value=42
class Id<T>
private final Class<T> classOfId;
private final long value;
public Id(Class<T> classOfId, long value)
this.classOfId = classOfId;
this.value = value;
public String toString()
return "classOfId=" + classOfId + ", value=" + value;
class IdDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Id<?>>
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Id<?> deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT,
JsonDeserializationContext context)
throws JsonParseException
long value =json.getAsJsonObject().get("value").getAsLong();
Type[] typeParameters =
((ParameterizedType) typeOfT).getActualTypeArguments();
Type idType = typeParameters[0];
return new Id((Class<?>) idType, value);
annotation (covered in more detail in part 4 of this series) could be employed to similarly skip replacing the value of classOfId, initially set by the instance creator, with whatever is in the JSON. (If Gson had a facility to mix in annotations like Jackson does, then modifying the Id class definition would not be necessary for this approach.) Here's what that solution would look like.public class GsonInstanceCreatorForParameterizedTypeDemo3Comparison Ratings:
public static void main(String[] args)
Id<String> id1 = new Id<String>(String.class, 42);
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.registerTypeAdapter(Id.class, new IdInstanceCreator())
String json1 = gson.toJson(id1);
// actual output: {"classOfId":{},"value":42}
// This contradicts what the Gson docs say happens.
// With custom serialization, as described in a
// previous Gson user guide section,
// intended output may be
// {"value":42}
// input: {"value":42}
String json2 = "{\"value\":42}";
Type idOfStringType=new TypeToken<Id<String>>(){}.getType();
Id<String> id1Copy = gson.fromJson(json2, idOfStringType);
// output: classOfId=class java.lang.String, value=42
Type idOfGsonType = new TypeToken<Id<Gson>>() {}.getType();
Id<Gson> idOfGson = gson.fromJson(json2, idOfGsonType);
// output: classOfId=class, value=42
// input: {"classOfId":"java.lang.Long","value":42}
String json3 =
Id<String> id1Copy2 = gson.fromJson(json3, idOfStringType);
// output: classOfId=class java.lang.String, value=42
// input: {"classOfId":null,"value":42}
String json4 = "{\"classOfId\":null,\"value\":42}";
Id<String> id1Copy3 = gson.fromJson(json4, idOfStringType);
// output: classOfId=class java.lang.String, value=42
// input: {"classOfId":"a non-null value","value":42}
String json5 =
"{\"classOfId\":\"a non-null value\",\"value\":42}";
Id<Gson> idOfGson2 = gson.fromJson(json5, idOfGsonType);
// output: classOfId=class, value=42
class Id<T>
private final Class<T> classOfId;
@Expose private final long value;
public Id(Class<T> classOfId, long value)
this.classOfId = classOfId;
this.value = value;
public String toString()
return "classOfId=" + classOfId + ", value=" + value;
class IdInstanceCreator implements InstanceCreator<Id<?>>
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public Id<?> createInstance(Type type)
Type[] typeParameters =
((ParameterizedType) type).getActualTypeArguments();
Type idType = typeParameters[0];
return new Id((Class<?>) idType, 0L);
- COMPARABLE in ability to deserialize with parameterized types
- +1 Gson for simple, contextual deserialization with parameterized type information
- COMPARABLE in ability to accommodate missing JSON element values -- Gson uses an
to set the default value and further deserialization processing to overwrite value from JSON as appropriate; Jackson uses an updating reader for the same effect
Continue to part 4...
Very thorough and deep-cutting comparison, great!
ReplyDeleteOne very minor addition: there is a Jira enhancement request for Jackson to be able to instantiate types without default constructor has been requests, see []. I don't know if this is approach GSON uses, but I know XStream uses that trick when running on Sun JVM.
Yes, since the 1.7 release, Gson uses sun.misc.Unsafe to initially allocate object instances.
ReplyDeleteI find Gson being much easier to use for custom serializers. E.g. see And the documentation for Gson is much better than the documentation for Jackson. E.g. you link to the Gson-documentation for examples, but there are few good examples for Jackson.